Transforming Healthcare through Prevention - The NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality, and the urgent need for systems change

Prof Martin White
Prof Martin White, MD FFPH Centre for Diet & Activity Research; MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge
Date 06/03/2020 at 18.00 - 06/03/2020 at 19.15 Where Lee Hall, Wolfson College

A Science Society lecture, part of a series on Transforming Healthcare Through Prevention.

Prof Martin White

Full title: The only ways is upstream — The NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality and the urge need for systems change


Professor White leads research aimed at generating greater understanding of commercial food systems, including how they relate to consumers, and whether and how they can be changed to promote healthier diets at a population level. He evaluates population level interventions to promote dietary public health.


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose a growing threat to population health, productivity society and the economy in the UK and globally. The UK has some of the highest levels of overweight and obesity in western Europe, which are driving the growing incidence of type 2 diabetes and associated metabolic disorders. Excess calorie intake is the key driver of obesity and thus a key risk for type 2 diabetes. The future costs of these conditions will have devastating impacts on health services and economic productivity. And these impacts will most seriously affect future generations.

While people living with established diabetes or obesity need appropriate treatment and advice to reduce risk of adverse consequences, such efforts will make little difference to the growing epidemic. To reverse the epidemic requires urgent interventions at societal level to change risk levels for whole populations. The key underlying drivers of unhealthy diet lie in the commercial food system. In this lecture I will discuss what needs to change, why it needs to change and how it can be changed to benefit present and future generations.

Please book your free place via eventbrite.

This event is jointly organised by the Wolfson College Science Society and the Wolfson College Society of Emeritus Fellows.

This event is part of WOLFSON EXPLORES |Transformation| {2019}.