Cambridge Science Park Visit

Modern office building with large glass windows surrounded by lush greenery and trees under a cloudy sky.
Date 25/04/2024 at 11.00 - 25/04/2024 at 16.00 Where The Bradfield Centre, 184 Cambridge Science Park Rd, Milton, Cambridge CB4 0GA

Dive into the Cambridge innovation ecosystem with a visit to the Cambridge Science Park.

Modern office building with large glass windows surrounded by lush greenery and trees under a cloudy sky.


Join the Wolfson Entrepreneurship Hub for a trip to Cambridge Science Park which will include a tour, opportunities to network, talks from exciting speakers and Q&A.




11.00 - 11.15 Arrival, arrangements into groups, welcome words.

11.15 - 12.15 Tour across the Science Park.


12.15 - 13.00 Lunch/coffee/networking


13.00 - 15.00 A series of fireside chats with the opportunity for Q&A, moderated by Jerry Wu, Head of Investment, TusPark Holdings UK.

Fireside chats:

· Welcome to Cambridge innovation ecosystem, incubation and accelerator - Prashant Shah, CEO and co-founder, O2h Group.

· Translate scientific research into commercial world - Gemma Siddall, Investment Analyst, Cambridge Enterprise.

· What investors looking for - Anne Horgan, Partner, Cambridge Innovation Capital.

· Entrepreneurs’ journeys: learning from both success and failures - Myriam Ouberai, CEO and founder, Spirea.

· Women in leadership and entrepreneurship - Qun Yang, Co-founder and COO, Biorbyt.


Please note that, if you are short on time, you are welcome to join us solely from 13.00-15.00 for the fireside chats at the Bradfield Centre.



Aimed primarily at Wolfson students and Early Career Researchers, this event is open to all Wolfson members and is free to attend - book your place.

Please indicate on the booking form if you would be interested in transport to and from the event from Wolfson. 



This event takes place at Cambridge Science Park.

Please visit their website for more information.